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  » Jul 27, 2024  

Do you know that
Giclee is a term invented for the procedure of creating fine art prints through a digital supplier using inkjet printing. The word “Giclee”, which is based on the French word “gicleur” meaning “nozzle”, was originated by a printmaker named Jack Duganne.

It was created to represent inkjet based digital prints that were used as fine art and to distinguish the customary industrial “Iris proofs” from the fine art prints produced on those same kind of printers. Originally alotted for fine art prints produced on Iris printers with an operation invented early in the 1990’s, the term “Giclee” has since stood for any top quality inkjet print.
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  Yossi Rosenstein

Mr. Rosenstein’s works have earned him an international reputation as a translator of Biblical themes to living art. Tremendous thought and creative talent are invested in each masterpiece. To achieve his goal of interpreting the ancient truths of Judaism to modern man, he combines modern symbolism with the techniques of classic art. The extra dimension of the profound thought embodied in each painting is a unique accomplishment which has become the watermark of Mr. Rosenstein’s works.

A ninth-generation native of the Holy Land, Mr. Rosenstein comes from a distinguished rabbinical family. He himself studied in the renowned Ponevtitch Yeshivah of Bnei Brak and in Chevron Yeshivah in Jerusalem. His work was first exhibited in 1971. For many years he was represented exclusively by the prestigious Auerbach Fine Arts Gallery, on Manhattan’s Madison Avenue.

Mr. Rosenstein has, in fact, developed a profound form of Jewish art. This is not Judaica, or decorative Jewish art, but rather an innovative and unique method of expressing the ancient truths of Judaism.

One of the main themes running through Mr. Rosenstein’s work is the eternal quality of Torah. Each verse of the Bible, he stresses, has its application in every aspect of our lives, day in and day out.

Recently, Mr. Rosenstein’s work has been displayed at Gallery Alexander, in New York, an address well-known to American connoisseurs of Jewish Art. We are gratified to make Mr. Rosenstein’s work known to the greater public through Arachim’s calendar for the coming year.

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